Details for John R. Dobie House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5209010257


Marker Number 10257
Atlas Number 5209010257
Marker Title John R. Dobie House
Index Entry Dobie, John R.
City Wimberley
County Hays
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 587419
UTM Northing 3318795
Subject Codes county official; houses, residential buildings; vernacular (Architectural term)
Marker Year 1990
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location approx. 150 yds. north of town square on Old Kyle Rd.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion & Plate
Marker Text Constructed about 1892 for Charles and Susannah Cock, this house was purchased by John R. and Martha Dobie in 1899. A native of Scotland, Dobie (1849-1924) was a farmer, rancher, and Hays County commissioner in 1897-98. A fine example of vernacular house types, the John R. Dobie house features a central hall plan, board-and-batten construction, and classical detailing. It remained in the Dobie family until 1977. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1990

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