Details for John L. and Annie Upshaw Cleveland House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5251012864


Marker Number 12864
Atlas Number 5251012864
Marker Title John L. and Annie Upshaw Cleveland House
Index Entry Cleveland, John L. and Annie Upshaw, House
Address 808 S. Anglin St
City Cleburne
County Johnson
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 652170
UTM Northing 3579205
Subject Codes Queen Anne (Architectural style); houses, residential buildings; women
Marker Year 2002
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 808 S. Anglin St
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text John L. and Annie Upshaw Cleveland House John L. Cleveland was born in Georgia in 1851 to James Monroe and Catherine (Wright) Cleveland. He studied agriculture and business before moving to Midlothian, Texas, to teach and farm. Annie Hamilton Upshaw, daughter of Samuel Crockett and Attelia (Aldridge) Upshaw of Old Washington, Texas, moved with her family to Hillsboro and attended Stuart Female Seminary in Austin. She and Cleveland married in Hillsboro in 1884, and the two settled in Cleburne, where, in 1887, they purchased two lots from B.J. Chambers. The couple began construction on their home in 1892 and moved in the following year. John and Annie were both instrumental in the formation of the Main Street Methodist Church. John owned the Cleburne cottonseed oil mill, which was destroyed by fire in 1907. He also owned a hardware store and sold cars to Cleburne citizens, although he did not learn to drive until he was 80 years old. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias, the school board and the Democratic Club of Cleburne. Annie, or Anne, served as president of the Cleburne chapter of Circle of Kings Daughters, headed the local Red Cross canteen during World War I and, in 1925, helped organize the city's parent-teacher associations and the Cleburne Council of Mothers, which later became the City Council. She served as the group's first president. The couple had ten children, six of whom lived to adulthood. John died in March 1936, and Annie died four months later. The house passed to their children, who sold it in 1941. Subsequent owners maintained the aesthetic of the historic home, which was built in the Queen Anne style with Eastlake details. Interesting features include decorative Fishscale shingling, polychromatic painting, sunburst motifs, a prominent modified keyhole window and spindled friezework. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 2002

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