Details for Carnegie Library Building

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5257009425


Marker Number 9425
Atlas Number 5257009425
Marker Title Carnegie Library Building
Index Entry Carnegie Library Building
Address 207 N. Frances St.
City Terrell
County Kaufman
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 755072
UTM Northing 3625514
Subject Codes institutional buildings; design and construction; libraries; Classical Revival (architectural style)
Marker Year 1983
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion & Plate
Marker Text Completed in 1904, this library building is located on land owned in the 1890s by local publisher O. B. Colquitt, who later became the governor of Texas. It was designed by the Waco firm of Messer and Smith and features classical detailing. Through the efforts of the women's clubs of Terrell, the Andrew Carnegie Foundation provided funds for the building, and the city of Terrell contributed money for the library operations. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1983

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