Details for Hygieostatic Bat Roost

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5259002608


Marker Number 2608
Atlas Number 5259002608
Marker Title Hygieostatic Bat Roost
Index Entry Hygieostatic Bat Roost
City Comfort
County Kendall
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 511122
UTM Northing 3315513
Subject Codes animals; scientific topics; design and construction
Marker Year 1981
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location from Comfort take FM 473 about 1.5 miles E - bat roost is about 400 feet S of the highway
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion and Plate
Marker Text This shingle style structure was built in 1918 to attract and house bats in an effort to eradicate mosquitoes and thereby reduce the spread of malaria. It was designed for Albert Steves, Sr., a former mayor of San Antonio, by Dr. Charles A. R. Campbell, an authority on bats who had served as the health officer in the same city. Named "Hygeiostatic" by Steves, the bat roost is one of 16 constructed in the United States and Italy between 1907 and 1929. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1981

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