Details for Central Christian Church of Lampasas

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5281000793


Marker Number 793
Atlas Number 5281000793
Marker Title Central Christian Church of Lampasas
Index Entry Central Christian Church of Lampasas
City Lampasas
County Lampasas
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 578163
UTM Northing 3436994
Subject Codes Christian (Disciples of Christ) denominations; churches
Marker Year 1985
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location NE corner of Chestnut and Third Street, Lampasas
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 16" x 12" Plate & Medallion
Marker Text This Disciples of Christ congregation was organized as early as 1879. V. R. Stapp served as the first full-time pastor. In 1905, this church building was erected to replace an earlier sanctuary located on Fourth Street. Constructed of hand-quarried, native limestone, the Central Christian Church building exhibits some influences of the Romanesque revival style. Outstanding features include the masonry work and the corner tower.

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