Details for Old Huling Mansion

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5281003751


Marker Number 3751
Atlas Number 5281003751
Marker Title Old Huling Mansion
Index Entry Huling Mansion, Old
Address FM 580
City Lampasas
County Lampasas
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 571865
UTM Northing 3438250
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; African American topics
Marker Year 1966
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Near FM 580 on private property. Map dot approximate. Marker reported missing (partially) Jun. 2009. RTHL medallion missing, plate present.
Private Property Yes
Marker Condition Missing
Marker Size Medallion and Plate
Marker Text Later the "Snap" Bean Ranch House. Built 1855 with slave labor, of native stone and cedar. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1966

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