Details for Wm. B. Middleton

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5289009631


Marker Number 9631
Atlas Number 5289009631
Marker Title Wm. B. Middleton
Index Entry Middleton, William. B.
City Leona
County Leon
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 216754
UTM Northing 3450111
Subject Codes sheriffs; pioneers; military topics
Marker Year 1936
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location from intersection of SH 75 and FM 977 in Leona, go W on FM 977 .8 of mi. to dirt road on S side of road at 1174, go S on dirt road to Makamson Cemetery
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 1936 Centennial - Grave Marker (gray granite)
Marker Text A participant of the Mier Expedition, 1842, first sheriff of Leon County. Born in Illinois August 4, 1819; died March 17, 1877. His first wife Mary J. Potts Middleton, born Sept. 9, 1823; died May 5, 1874. In memory of Beoni Middleton who died in prison in Mexico while a prisoner of the Mier Expedition.

Location Map