Details for Sam Houston in Liberty County

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5291009664


Marker Number 9664
Atlas Number 5291009664
Marker Title Sam Houston in Liberty County
Index Entry Houston, Sam, in Liberty County
City Liberty
County Liberty
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 326906
UTM Northing 3326635
Subject Codes governors; law, lawyers
Marker Year 1985
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location SW corner of Main and Sam Houston St.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Pioneer, lawyer, statesman, and leader of the Texas victory over Mexico at San Jacinto, General Sam Houston began a relationship with Liberty County in 1833 that was based on land ownership which continued until his death in 1863. During those years he concluded nine land transactions involving nearly 20,000 acres. He established family homes at Cedar Point (now part of Chambers County) in 1840 and at Grand Cane (22 mi. N) in 1842. From 1838 to 1855, Sam Houston practiced law in Liberty, maintaining an office on this site across from the Courthouse Square. Houston's other activities in Liberty County included his attendance at worship services of the Concord Baptist Church (Grand Cane), of which his wife, Margaret Lea Houston, was one of the founders in 1845. Sam Houston's activities in Liberty County took place while he was serving in various leadership roles for Texas, including President of the Republic of Texas (1836-1838, 1841-1844) and as the first United States Senator for the newly-annexed state of Texas (1846-1859). He has been honored in Liberty County by the naming of Sam Houston Avenue and the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center.

Location Map