Details for Acme Dry Goods Building

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5299009431


Marker Number 9431
Atlas Number 5299009431
Marker Title Acme Dry Goods Building
Index Entry Acme Dry Goods Building
Address 109 W. Main
City Llano
County Llano
UTM Zone
UTM Easting
UTM Northing
Subject Codes commercial buildings; markets, merchantiles
Marker Year 1987
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion & Plate
Marker Text Built in 1892 by Llano builder and stonemason John Goodman (8152-1935), this turn-of-the-century commercial row structure has housed a succession of dry goods merchants, including Mrs. Riley's Millinery, Carlton's Dry Goods, and a store operated by Martin Jacobs. It was purchased in 1919 by the Acme Dry Goods Company. The one-story brick structure features round-arch transoms, keystones, and double store-front windows. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1997


Acme Dry Goods Building (RTHL)
Acme Dry Goods Building (RTHL)

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