Details for Lubbock High School

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5303003144


Marker Number 3144
Atlas Number 5303003144
Marker Title Lubbock High School
Index Entry Lubbock High School
Address 2004 19th Street
City Lubbock
County Lubbock
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 234514
UTM Northing 3719106
Subject Codes educational buildings; educational topics; design and construction; Romanesque/Richardsonian Romanesque (Architectural style)
Marker Year 1984
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 2004 19th Street, Lubbock
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text The city of Lubbock experienced a significant increase in population during the 1920s as it became the agricultural, educational, service, and trade center of the South Plains. This high school was built out of the need for providing an eduction for the young people of the rapidly growing community. Designed by the Lubbock architectural firm of Peters, Strange and Bradshaw, the original building consists of two- and three-story classroom wings, offices, a gymnasium, and an auditorium, all constructed around two open courtyards. Over the years, as Lubbock's population increased, the facilities were expanded several times to meet the need. The richly ornamented, North Italian Romanesque style high school was completed in 1931, despite the beginnings of economic hardship resulting from the onset of the Great Depression. The building features decorative brickwork, terra cotta ornamentation, and a campanile, or bell tower. Lubbock High stands as a significant example of institutional architecture in Texas, as well as a local landmark known for its many students who became Lubbock's outstanding civic and community leaders. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1984.

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