Details for "The Magnolias"
Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5315008067
Marker Number | 8067 |
Atlas Number | 5315008067 |
Marker Title | "The Magnolias" |
Index Entry | Magnolias |
Address | Broadwy and Friou |
City | Jefferson |
County | Marion |
UTM Zone | 15 |
UTM Easting | 373285 |
UTM Northing | 3625706 |
Subject Codes | houses, residential buildings; women |
Marker Year | 1965 |
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark | Yes |
Marker Location | |
Private Property | No |
Marker Condition | In Situ |
Marker Size | Medallion & Plate |
Marker Text | 1867. Built by Lucy Ann, wife of Dan Alley, donor of half of Jefferson's townsite. Near 100th birthday, house retains fine style. Has handmade columns, massive hewn sills, wide pine board floors. Here was organized 1881 Club, oldest member and pioneer unit in Texas State Federation of Women's Clubs. Also (on Feb. 22, 1955) birthplace of Martha McCraw Chapter of the D. A. R. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1965 |