Details for Mason County Courthouse
Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5319011286
Marker Number | 11286 |
Atlas Number | 5319011286 |
Marker Title | Mason County Courthouse |
Index Entry | Mason County Courthouse |
Address | 201 Fort McKavitt St. |
City | Mason |
County | Mason |
UTM Zone | 14 |
UTM Easting | 477800 |
UTM Northing | 3401773 |
Subject Codes | courthouses; Beaux Arts |
Marker Year | 1988 |
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark | Yes |
Marker Location | Mason County Courthouse grounds, N side facing Fort McKavitt St./SH 29/US 87. |
Private Property | No |
Marker Condition | In Storage |
Marker Size | 18" x 28" |
Marker Text | Constructed in 1909, this is the third courthouse to serve the people of Mason County. Commissioners Court probably met in other locations until the first courthouse was built in 1872. It burned in 1877 and was replaced that year by a second red sandstone building. Designed by E. C. Hosford and built at a cost of $39,796, this Beaux Arts style courthouse features a center dome and clock tower, gable front porticoes with two-story Doric columns, and rusticated stonework with contrasting stone lintels. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1988 Courthouse burned Feb. 2021. |