Details for Pontotoc and San Fernando Academy

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5319011294


Marker Number 11294
Atlas Number 5319011294
Marker Title Pontotoc and San Fernando Academy
Index Entry Pontotoc and San Fernando Academy
Address SH 71
City Pontotoc
County Mason
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 502005
UTM Northing 3419573
Subject Codes cities and towns; educational topics
Marker Year 1972
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location SH 71, N side, between Willis St and RR 501
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text (Site of Academy is 100 yards north) Pontotoc, settled about 1859, was named by first merchant, M. R. Kidd, for his former home town in Mississippi. Post office was opened 1878 in the B. J. Willis home, with Mrs. Willis postmaster. Founded by interested citizens, San Fernando Academy (probably named for nearby creek), opened 1883. Pupils (200 during academy's career) took regular subjects or courses leading toward teacher certificates. Principals were K. T. Hamilton and W. C. Roaten. After academy failed, site was sold by W. J. and B. J. Willis and used by the public school until 1927. (1972)

Location Map