Details for Church of the Redeemer

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5323000862


Marker Number 862
Atlas Number 5323000862
Marker Title Church of the Redeemer
Index Entry Church of the Redeemer
Address 648 Madison Street
City Eagle Pass
County Maverick
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 353163
UTM Northing 3177090
Subject Codes churches
Marker Year 1978
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Chaplains at Fort Duncan held the earliest Episcopal services in Eagle Pass in the 1850s. The Rt. Rev. R. W. B. Elliott, first bishop of the Missionary District of West Texas, with $500 contributed by the Eagle Pass Ladies Aid Society, led in planning the construction of this edifice in 1886-87. William G. Hausser was awarded a contract for the construction at a cost of $3,150. The Gothic revival structure was apparently completed in late 1887. The Rev. A. H. Noll, the first resident priest, initiated services here in February 1888. Bishop James Steptoe Johnston consecrated the church building on Ascension Day, May 15, 1890, during a meeting of the district convocation. The church continued as a mission until January 14, 1895, when the parish of the Church of the Redeemer, with sixteen members, was organized. The Rev. J. D. Worrell, Jr., was ordained to the deaconate and the Rev. R. E. Dicus and the Rev. E. L. Browning, who served as rectors here, later became bishops. The Cunning Workers Club, a ladies organization which functioned from 1902 to 1953, donated many of the furnishings and a number of the stained glass windows. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1978

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