Details for Pegleg Crossing on the San Saba

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5327003976


Marker Number 3976
Atlas Number 5327003976
Marker Title Pegleg Crossing on the San Saba
Index Entry Pegleg Crossing on the San Saba
Address SH 29, about 10 mi. SE of Menard
City Menard
County Menard
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 442692
UTM Northing 3415311
Subject Codes roads; water topics
Marker Year 1970
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location on SH 29 ROW, about 10 miles SE of Menard
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text An hourglass-shaped pass through the hills where McDougal Creek joins San Saba River. For years a favored Indian campground, it entered written history, 1732, as site of Spanish-Apache battle. Saw passage of adventurers, mustang hunters, Indian fighters, German settlers, gold-seekers. Probably named by landowner Wilhelm Harlen for one-legged land commissioner T.W. Ward. Crossing became station on stage line. Gained notoriety for many hold-ups that occurred at "Robbers' Roost" (1 mile west). Pegleg served in later era as crossing on Great Western Cattle Trail.

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