Details for Town of Montgomery

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5339007916


Marker Number 7916
Atlas Number 5339007916
Marker Title Town of Montgomery
Index Entry Montgomery
Address 14420 Liberty St.
City Montgomery
County Montgomery
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 240907
UTM Northing 3365312
Subject Codes cities and towns; pioneers; county officials
Marker Year 1936
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Near W entrance of Montgomery Community Building, E side Liberty Street (SH 105) between Clepper Drive and College Street
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 1936 Texas Centennial historical marker (gray granite)
Marker Text Founded in July, 1837 by W. W. Shepherd Incorporated in 1848 Montgomery County was created December 14, 1837 James Mitchell, Pleasant Gray, William Robinson, Elijah Collard Charles Barnett, Joseph L. Bennet Dr. B. B. Goodrich, D. D. Dunham and Henry Fanthrop, Commissioners, Selected Montgomery as the County Seat and it remained as such until 1889 Important trade center before the Civil War Erected by the State of Texas 1936

Location Map