Details for Centennial House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5355000780


Marker Number 780
Atlas Number 5355000780
Marker Title Centennial House
Index Entry Centennial House
Address 411 N Broadway
City Corpus Christi
County Nueces
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 657988
UTM Northing 3075406
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; state official; Civil War; Classical Revival (architectural style)
Marker Year 1966
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 411 N. Upper Broadway, Corpus Christi
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Forbes Britton (1812-1861), a Virginian and graduate of the U.S. Military Academy, came to Corpus Christi as an army captain in Mexican War, 1846. He returned as a civilian, and with his wife Rebecca (Millard) had this classical revival house built by the contractors Gravis, Berry and Yates, 1849-50. Britton ranched, was a partner in shipping firm of Britton, Mann and Yates, and helped form first company to obtain a deep water channel for the city. He served 1857-61 in the Texas senate. As Adjutant General, he was personal emissary of governor Sam Houston to U.S. president Buchanan in 1860. His grave is in the state cemetery in Austin. Left with servants during civil war (a confederate hospital in 1862), house became hospital and officers mess for federal army, 1866. It was citizens' refuge in raids of desperadoes and indians while home of James and Janet Bryden, 1870-78. The family of George and Cornelia (Moore) Evans owned the property, 1880-1936. Southern Minerals Corp., Maston Nixon, President, owned, restored and preserved the place, 1936-65. Recognized as oldest existent structure in Corpus Christi, it was designated centennial house in 1949. Since 1965 it has been owned and preserved by the Corpus Christi area heritage society.

Location Map