Details for 1933 Weatherford City Hall

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5367000035


Marker Number 35
Atlas Number 5367000035
Marker Title 1933 Weatherford City Hall
Index Entry Weatherford City Hall
Address 100 block of Palo Pinto St.
City Weatherford
County Parker
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 612488
UTM Northing 3625198
Subject Codes buildings; fire and fire departments; Art Deco
Marker Year 1987
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 100 block of Palo Pinto Street, Weatherford
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text The construction of this city hall created many jobs for the unemployed in Weatherford during the hard times of the Great Depression. Weatherford citizens passed a bond election to provide funds for a new city hall and fire station in 1933, and construction began immediately on this structure, built on land designated early in the century for city hall and fire department use. Dedication ceremonies for the new facility were held on January 16, 1934. The art deco brick structure features vertical corbelled pilasters and stone coping and inserts. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark -1987.

Location Map