Details for Amarillo Livestock Auction

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5375000145


Marker Number 145
Atlas Number 5375000145
Marker Title Amarillo Livestock Auction
Index Entry Amarillo Livestock Auction
Address 100 South Manhattan St.
City Amarillo
County Potter
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 244739
UTM Northing 3899958
Subject Codes ranches/ranching; railroads; cattle, cattle industry topics
Marker Year 1970
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location 100 South Manhattan Street, Western Stockyards, Amarillo.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Established to serve the first permanent industry in the Texas Panhandle--ranching. Now famed for handling more cattle than any other commission auction company in the United States. The years 1874-1878 saw Indians expelled, buffalo herds exterminated, and ranches established in the region. Longhorns were trailed to Dodge City for shipment. After railroads came, ranchmen rode the cattle trains to care for herds en route to market. Railroad construction across the Texas Panhandle in 1887 established Amarillo as the largest rural cattle shipping point in the nation (1892-1897). More efficient handling began in 1904 with the founding by O.H. Nelson, Al Popham, and associates of the Western Stockyards, predecessor of Amarillo Livestock Auction. This livestock commission market opened in 1935 with the sale of 36 cattle and 21 horses by Jack Coulter, Auctioneer, and Virgil Light, Manager. In 1940 Jay Taylor and Eddie Johnson bought the Western Stockyards and constructed the present sales ring, incorporated 1945 as Amarillo Livestock Auction Company. Marketing was revolutionized. Annual sales exceed 400,000 cattle valued at more than $78,000,000. (1970)

Location Map