Details for Site of Fort Terrett

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5435004799


Marker Number 4799
Atlas Number 5435004799
Marker Title Site of Fort Terrett
Index Entry Ft. Terrett
Address CR 307 off IH 10 via exit 429
City Sonora
County Sutton
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 386142
UTM Northing 3374095
Subject Codes forts; military topics
Marker Year 1962
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location From Sonora, take I-10 East about 30 miles to Exit 429 go under I-10 to FM 3130, go east on 3130 about 1 mile to CR 307, go down CR 307 about 1 mile to marker
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 1936 Centennial - Subject Marker (gray granite)
Marker Text Site of Fort Terrett. Established February 5, 1852 by the United States Army as a protection to frontier settlers, named in honor of Lieutenant John C. Terrett who fell at Monterrey, September 21, 1846; abandoned February 26, 1854.

Location Map