Details for Tyler County Courthouse

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5457012432


Marker Number 12432
Atlas Number 5457012432
Marker Title Tyler County Courthouse
Index Entry Tyler County Courthouse
Address 100 W. Bluff St.
City Woodville
County Tyler
UTM Zone
UTM Easting
UTM Northing
Subject Codes courthouses; Federal programs
Marker Year 2000
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text After the creation of Tyler County in 1846 and the subsequent selection of Woodville as county seat, this block was set aside for use as the courthouse square and the first courthouse was completed by February 1849. In November 1890, the Tyler County commissioners court, with county judge Henry West presiding, elected to build a new center of county government and authorized the sale of bonds to finance the construction. The Corpus Christi architectural firm of Glover and Hodges designed the new courthouse in typically eclectic Victorian-era fashion, incorporating elements of the Second Empire, Gothic and Mediterranean styles. Despite problems during construction in 1891, contractors M. A. McKnight and McKnight completed the courthouse in early 1892. In 1935-1937 the county undertook a massive courthouse remodeling project with Works Progress Administration funds. Efforts to modernize the building at this time resulted in the removal of its more high style elements and the construction of a rear addition. Character-defining features from the original design, such as the windows and central tower remain, however. The Tyler County courthouse stands as a symbol of county government and a center of public and governmental activities. Its evolution from original design to current appearance is a part of the county's history and the building's service to the people of Tyler County. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 2000

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