Details for 1892 Victoria County Courthouse

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5469006576


Marker Number 6576
Atlas Number 5469006576
Marker Title 1892 Victoria County Courthouse
Index Entry Victoria County Courthouse, 1892
Address 101 N Bridge Street
City Victoria
County Victoria
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 695067
UTM Northing 3187538
Subject Codes courthouses; design and construction; Romanesque/Richardsonian Romanesque (Architectural style)
Marker Year 1961
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Replaced 1961 medallion and plate.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text When Don Martín de Leon platted the original townsite of Guadalupe Victoria in 1824, he designated public squares, including one that would later be shared by city and county governments for many years. Victoria County built its first courthouse, a two-story brick structure, in 1849 on Courthouse Square. The Greek Revival building served the county for many years. In 1891, under leadership of County Judge J.L. Dupree, commissioners held a competition for new courthouse plans. They awarded the contract to the San Antonio firm of Gordon & Laub, comprised of acclaimed courthouse architect J. Riely Gordon and D.E. Laub. Martin, Byrne & Johnston served as general contractors. Due to Gordon's many pressing commitments, he was discharged in May 1892. The commissioners court relied solely on Martin, Byrne & Johnston, who added elements to Gordon's design. Their work was approved by Eugene T. Heiner, himself a noted architect, and the county accepted the completed building on January 1, 1893. As was his style, Gordon designed a courthouse reflecting the Romanesque Revival architecture of architect Henry Hobson Richardson. He adpated Richardson's ideas to the Texas climate, providing a central atrium to bring light and ventilation into the building, which features a hipped roof with cross gables, corner pinnacles and polychromatic stonework. In the 1940s, the county adapted the atrium to serve as offices. When the need for more space arose in 1961, residents petitioned to save the courthouse, and the county built new facilities on the northeast corner of the square. Work at the turn of the 21st century largely restored the courthouse to its original design. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1961


Victoria County Courthouse (RTHL)
Victoria County Courthouse (RTHL)

Location Map