Details for The Interurban in Burleson

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507013483


Marker Number 13483
Atlas Number 5507013483
Marker Title The Interurban in Burleson
Index Entry Interurban in Burleson, The
Address 124 W. Ellison
City Burleson
County Johnson
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 657557
UTM Northing 3601772
Subject Codes railroads
Marker Year 2006
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location 124 W. Ellison
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text At the turn of the 20th century, the Northern Texas Traction Co. found success with an interurban railway that operated between Fort Worth and Dallas. In 1911, a group began planning a new interurban that would run from Fort Worth to Cleburne by way of Everman, Burleson and Joshua. By that time, Burleson had approximately 700 residents and an active business district, and the city incorporated in 1912. The Fort Worth Southern Traction Co. came to town that year seeking employees and arranged with businessman and community leader Albert H. Loyless to be their local representative. He moved his Loyless-Robbins Pharmacy from a two-story wooden building across the street to a new brick building at this site. The traction company constructed an electrical plant and freight dock behind the building, and the pharmacy, complete with soda fountain and interurban ticket counter, occupied the front of the orange-brick structure. The first public run of the electrical train line came through Burleson on September 1, 1912. From that date until 1931, the train carried people in and out of town, brought goods to them from other cities, and helped make the pharmacy a community center. In 1935, a few years after the interurban ceased its service and motor coaches and automobiles took its place, Loyless, accepting the position of Burleson postmaster, moved his business next door to the post office. Robert Deering bought the former pharmacy building and from it published his newspaper, the Burleson News (later Burleson Dispatcher). The city later purchased the building for use as a visitors center. (2006)

Location Map