Details for Joseph and Eliza Bird Residence

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507013484


Marker Number 13484
Atlas Number 5507013484
Marker Title Joseph and Eliza Bird Residence
Index Entry Bird, Joseph and Eliza, Residence
Address 265 Bird Ln
City Round Mountain
County Blanco
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 563081
UTM Northing 3366731
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; cabins, log houses; women
Marker Year 2005
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 265 Bird Lane, off FM 962
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size RTHL Medallion and 12" x 16" interpretive plaque
Marker Text Once home to area pioneer Joseph Bird, his wife Eliza, and their extended family, portions of this house date to the mid-1850s. Two single-pen log cabins, built at different times and exhibiting different construction techniques, eventually were joined together to form a dogtrot cabin under one roof, with limestone chimneys at the east and west ends. By the 1880s, the family built a half-story addition and full-length porch on the front, and shed rooms at the rear. Vertical cypress siding covered the exterior until a 1980s renovation revealed much of the original log construction. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 2005


Joseph and Eliza Bird Residence (RTHL)
Joseph and Eliza Bird Residence (RTHL)

Location Map