Details for Married Officers' Quarters 8-9

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507013643


Marker Number 13643
Atlas Number 5507013643
Marker Title Married Officers' Quarters 8-9
Index Entry Married Officers' Quarters 8-9
Address 8 Colony Row
City Brackettville
County Kinney
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 361888
UTM Northing 3242741
Subject Codes buildings; forts
Marker Year 2006
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 8 Colony Row
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 12" x 16"
Marker Text This single-story duplex once served as housing for married officers and their families at Fort Clark. The U.S. Army fort, established in 1852 to defend the western frontier of Texas and the border with Mexico, saw significant growth in the 1870s. To accommodate a regimental size garrison, the Army constructed living quarters such as this particular house. Built by 1875 out of uncoursed, rough-cut limestone, the building features a cross-hipped roof, interior chimneys with double fireplaces and a distinctive U-shape. The fort closed in 1944 and later owners transformed the quarters into a single family home. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 2006

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