Details for J.M. and Birdie Nix House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507013658


Marker Number 13658
Atlas Number 5507013658
Marker Title J.M. and Birdie Nix House
Index Entry Nix, J.M. and Birdie, House
Address 434 King William
City San Antonio
County Bexar
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 549039
UTM Northing 3253840
Subject Codes Neoclassical (architectural style); houses, residential buildings; Business topics, general
Marker Year 2006
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Marker reported missing Jan. 2018.
Private Property No
Marker Condition Missing
Marker Size RTHL Medallion and 16" x 12" plaque
Marker Text Alabama natives Joseph Madison and Birdie Lanier Nix moved to San Antonio in the early 1890s. J.M. was a businessman who built hotels and other structures. In 1899, the couple built twin houses at 434 and 432 King William. The Free Classic design of this house, the work of Atlee B. Ayres, features a dominant front gabled roof, Palladian attic vent, paired box columns and New England style shingle patterning. The Nixes sold the property in 1912 and later built landmarks throughout San Antonio and South Texas, including the local Nix Professional Building and the Medical Arts Building. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 2006

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