Details for Craft Baptist Church

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507013972


Marker Number 13972
Atlas Number 5507013972
Marker Title Craft Baptist Church
Index Entry Craft Baptist Church
City Jacksonville
County Cherokee
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 288392
UTM Northing 3533264
Subject Codes Baptist denomination; churches
Marker Year 2007
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location S on Hwy 69, W on CR 1629 at Hwy 22
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Organized in 1891 at the Shiloh Schoolhouse by members of the Baptist Church of Christ at Corinth, this church was originally called the Baptist Church of Christ at Shiloh. Charter members elected E.M. Carter as the first pastor. The church was soon renamed the Baptist Church of Christ at New Independence, reflecting its location west of the schoolhouse. Members constructed a building in 1893, and in 1899, they changed the name to Craft Baptist Church of Christ. A new building was constructed in 1910, which members replaced in 1953, a year after expanding to weekly worship services. Up until 1944, members met for worship once a month, and twice a month from 1944 until 1953, reflecting the difficulties in attaining fulltime pastors in rural communities. The church has been active in providing for the physical, spiritual and educational needs of Cherokee County residents since its early years. Members and pastors have a long record of involvement in education, allowing ministerial students from Jacksonville College to preach here. Several pastors have also served in colleges, seminaries and other educational institutions. A number of Craft Baptist Church pastors have served as presidents of state and national associations; others have become foreign missionaries. Additionally, members have aided needy residents in the community through food pantries, holiday food baskets and a benevolent fund for utility, medical and other expenses. Today, more than 100 years after its establishment, Craft Baptist Church continues to be a spiritual beacon for central and northern Cherokee County. (2007)

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