Details for Site of Old Anderson High School, Kealing Junior High School

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507014678


Marker Number 14678
Atlas Number 5507014678
Marker Title Site of Old Anderson High School, Kealing Junior High School
Index Entry Anderson High School, Kealing Junior High School, Site of
Address 1607 Pennsylvania Ave
City Austin
County Travis
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 622945
UTM Northing 3349529
Subject Codes African American topics; educational topics
Marker Year 1986
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Robertson Hill School, the first high school for blacks in Austin, opened on the corner of Eleventh and San Marcos streets in 1884. In 1907 the school moved to the corner of Olive and Curve Streets and was renamed E. H. Anderson High School. In 1913 the school was moved to 1607 Pennsylvania Avenue. It was renamed in honor of former Principal L. C. Anderson in 1938. In 1953 the school relocated to 900 Thompson Street. Anderson High School opened in its fifth location, 8403 Mesa, in 1973. Kealing Junior High School was opened in 1930 on this site. Named for educator Hightower Theodore Kealing (1859-1918), it was the first junior high school for blacks in the city, and had an initial enrollment of 337. When reenrollment increased, the school expanded into the former Anderson High School in 1954. The two buildings, known as East Kealing and West Kealing, were joined in 1962. The school was closed in 1971 due to court-ordered desegregation. The original Kealing Junior High School building was razed in 1983, amd the old Anderson High School on this site burned in 1984. A new Kealing Junior High was built and opened in 1986. Texas Sesquicentennial 1836-1986

Location Map