Details for Montague County Courthouse

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507017656


Marker Number 17656
Atlas Number 5507017656
Marker Title Montague County Courthouse
Index Entry Montague County Courthouse
Address 11339 SH 59
City Montague
County Montague
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 618679
UTM Northing 3725711
Subject Codes courthouses; buildings; Classical Revival (architectural style)
Marker Year 2013
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Montague County Courthouse. Marker is affixed to NE corner of the building facing Grand St., at SW corner of SH 59 and Grand St.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28" without post
Marker Text Montague County was created in Dec. 1857 and organized in Aug. 1858. A log cabin and a frame store served as temporary courthouses. Fires destroyed a two-story frame building (1873) and a two-story stone courthouse (1884). In that same year, construction began on a second stone courthouse, which lasted until a 1912 storm severely damaged it. County commissioners selected Waco architect George Burnett to design the present Classical Revival style temple of Justice. A. H. Rodgers of Henrietta was the contractor. The three-story brick and stone courthouse with raised basement has staircases at all four entrances, porticos, pilasters and dentils. Completed in May 1913, it has been the center of government and activity in the county for more than a century. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 2013

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