Details for W. D. McFarlin Building

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507017895


Marker Number 17895
Atlas Number 5507017895
Marker Title W. D. McFarlin Building
Index Entry W. D. McFarlin Building
Address 1011 E. 15th Street
City Plano
County Collin
UTM Zone
UTM Easting
UTM Northing
Subject Codes commercial buildings;
Marker Year 2014
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size RTHL medallion & plaque without post
Marker Text This building was purchased by W.D. McFarlin in 1885 and is considered one of the oldest brick buildings in Plano. A fire in 1895 destroyed the original building and McFarlin rebuilt the building out of brick. One year later, Schoolfield Drugs moved into the building. E.A. Carpenter bought the business and operated a drug store here until 1908 when it was sold to Allen Brothers Drug Store. The building remained in the McFarlin family for 65 years until it was sold in 1950. This building served as a grocery store, a dry goods store, drug store and other businesses.

Location Map