Details for Wilson Cemetery
Cemetery — Atlas Number 7121001405
Cemetery ID Number | DN-C014 |
Cemetery Name | Wilson Cemetery |
Additional Names | Blackjack Cemetery |
Directions | The Cemetery is 2.5 miles from Aubrey City Hall, 107 S. Main Street. Follow N Main St north about four tenths of a mile to Blackjack Rd turn west for four tenths of a mile. Go north at Wilson Cemetery Rd, and be on the lookout for the road to curve west (about six tenths of a mile), where it becomes Grubbs Rd. At that curve is a cattle guard with a gate held closed by a chain. Be sure to close the gate behind you, and the cemetery is just down the road. |
Source | Denton County Historical Commission Cemetery Committee; Parsons, Kim, Ref. to Texas Cemeteries, 1988; TxDot map 1990; USGS |
City | Aubrey |
County | Denton |
HTC Designation Date | 3/15/2021 |
Size | |
Number of graves | 100+ |
Burial Dates | 1866-present |
Feature Type | cemetery |
Deed | |
Survey | |
Abstract | |
Longitude | -96.998123 |
Latitude | 33.322078 |
Atlas Number | 7121001405 |
Atlas Map | Yes |