Details for Harrington Cemetery

Cemetery — Atlas Number 7121006905


Cemetery ID Number DN-C069
Cemetery Name Harrington Cemetery
Additional Names
Directions Located on property owned by Denton County. From Denton take US 380 east to FR 720. Go south on FR 720 to Lloyd Road (gravel road 1.4 miles from US 380). Turn east on Lloyd Road and follow road 1.5 miles. Road will curve to the south and the cemetery will be on the right side of the road. Harrington is at the front SE corner. Cassady is at the back SW corner, Clark Cemetery is in the NW corner, and the front NE corner has no burials.
Source Denton County Historical Commission Cemetery Committee; TxDot map 1990; USGS; Footprints-Fort Worth Genealogical Society Bulletin Vol. 17, #3 page 118
City Little Elm
County Denton
HTC Designation Date 11/22/2011
Size 68.77 ft x 222 ft
Number of graves 40
Burial Dates 1876-1918
Feature Type
Atlas Number 7121006905
Atlas Map Yes

Location Map