Details for Briggs State Bank

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5053013181


Marker Number 13181
Atlas Number 5053013181
Marker Title Briggs State Bank
Index Entry Briggs State Bank
Address S Loop 208
City Briggs
County Burnet
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 602849
UTM Northing 3417453
Subject Codes banks, bankers, banking topics
Marker Year 2002
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Briggs, S. Loop 208
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion & Plate
Marker Text The Briggs State Bank was chartered on May 27, 1909. Constructed that spring, this limestone and brick building is typical of a commercial architecture style once popular in Texas. It features a three-bay front with central entry and transoms, and decorative brickwork detailing. The bank and town flourished for fifteen more years, with an economy centered on cotton and wool production. In the mid-1920s, changing agricultural practices weakened the local economy. After a massive fire destroyed much of the town, including most of the businesses on this street, the bank closed in 1928, a year before the Great Depression. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 2002

Location Map