Details for The Camino Real

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5141000642


Marker Number 642
Atlas Number 5141000642
Marker Title The Camino Real
Index Entry Camino Real
Address 1720 W. Paisano Dr.
City El Paso
County El Paso
UTM Zone 13
UTM Easting 357068
UTM Northing 3515058
Subject Codes Exploration and expeditions; roads
Marker Year 1983
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location W. Paisano Dr., in marker plaza 0.2 mi. S of Ruhlen Ct. on restricted access/private property. One of five markers by this title in El Paso County.
Private Property Yes
Marker Condition Access Restricted
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text For more than 200 years the Camino Real, or Royal Road, was the major route for transporting commercial goods from Mexico City and Chihuahua to Santa Fe and Taos. First traveled by Juan de Onate during his 1598 expedition to New Mexico, the Camino Real followed the San Elizario, Socorro, and Ysleta Road, crossed the Rio Grande west of present downtown El Paso, and continued north into New Mexico. When the Rio Grande was established as the U.S. - Mexico boundary in 1848, this section of the old Camino Real became part of the United States. (1983)

Location Map