Details for Channing United Methodist Church

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5205011980


Marker Number 11980
Atlas Number 5205011980
Marker Title Channing United Methodist Church
Index Entry Channing United Methodist Church
Address 719 Denver Ave.
City Channing
County Hartley
UTM Zone 13
UTM Easting 741330
UTM Northing 3952132
Subject Codes churches; ecclesiastical building; Methodist denomination
Marker Year 1964
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Channing United Methodist Church, NE corner Denver Ave. and W. 8th St.
Private Property
Marker Condition
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text The town of Channing was organized in 1890 as a general headquarters and supplier for the vast XIT Ranch. The Channing Methodist Church was organized in the fledgling town by the Rev. E. T. Harrison. Records indicate that it was the first Methodist church north of the Canadian River. The earliest members were A. G. Boyce, manager of the XIT Ranch, his wife Annie and their daughter Bessie; Bertie Cherveny, a plumber; Jacob P. McLain, the Rivers Hotel keeper and his wife Elizabeth; and Hereford cattle breeders James Powell and William and Marilla Powell. Trustees for the church purchased property on this site in 1901 and the building was completed by the following year. A fellowship hall and other additions were made in 1958. The Channing United Methodist Church continues in the traditions of its founders. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1964

Location Map