Details for Dinosaur Tracks

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5425001226


Marker Number 1226
Atlas Number 5425001226
Marker Title Dinosaur Tracks
Index Entry Dinosaur Tracks
Address Vernon and Elm St.
City Glen Rose
County Somervell
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 617178
UTM Northing 3567188
Subject Codes archeology; animals
Marker Year 1970
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location northeast corner of courthouse square
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Formed 100,000,000 years ago, tracks of 3 kinds of dinosaurs are preserved in the limestone below Paluxy River. Types include Acrocanthosaurus (a meat-eater), Camptosaurus (plant-eater who left 3-toed bird-like tracks), and Pleurocoelus (a plant-eater who made huge 5-toed prints). For years following their discovery (about 1910), the tracks remained a novelty. When Paluxy River ran low, farmers caught catfish stranded in them. Excavations by a prominent museum and several universities in 1938 brought the tracks to the attention of the world. (1970)

Location Map