Details for Site of Quinan Community

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5481004875


Marker Number 4875
Atlas Number 5481004875
Marker Title Site of Quinan Community
Index Entry Quinan Community, Site of
Address SH 60
City Hungerford
County Wharton
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 783205
UTM Northing 3255550
Subject Codes judges; settlements; disasters, industrial/human made; law, lawyers; ghost towns; Irish immigrants/immigration
Marker Year 1985
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location On SH 60, in traffic triangle, surrounded by Colorado, railroad and McKinney St., Hungerford
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text The village of Quinan was established about 1872 on the Wharton-Richmond road. It was named for Judge George E. Quinan (1819-1893), who lived south of here on Peach Creek. A native of Ireland, Quinan served in the Texas Senate and on the state Court of Civil Appeals. He was one of the founders of the State Bar of Texas. The community named for him had a school, Methodist church, and a post office located in John C. Habermacher's store. The Quinan community declined after the founding of Hungerford in 1882. The post office and businesses were relocated here later.

Location Map