Details for Ghost Town of Clara

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5485002180


Marker Number 2180
Atlas Number 5485002180
Marker Title Ghost Town of Clara
Index Entry Clara, Ghost Town of
Address SH 240, W. of Burkburnett
City Burkburnett
County Wichita
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 528065
UTM Northing 3772413
Subject Codes settlements; German immigrants/immigration; ghost towns; women
Marker Year 1978
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location From Burkburnett take SH 240 west about 7.1 miles, reported damaged in storage 6.2021
Private Property No
Marker Condition Replacement In Progress
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Herman Specht migrated in 1870 to Galveston from Germany. In 1884 he married Clara M. Vogel Lange (1853-1912), a wealthy widow. Adding to earlier property holdings in Galveston, he began buying extensive tracts of land in northern Wichita County, which eventually totaled 21,000 acres. In 1886 he platted the town of Clara which he named for his wife. The streets were named for Texas heroes. He donated this site for The Trinity Lutheran Church. Specht advertised for German colonists from other states to settle here. Specht built his home in Iowa Park in 1890 and ran a ranch at Clara where he grew wheat. North of the church site, he had a large experimental nursery for unusual plants. The 1891 drought wiped out the nursery and Specht's crops. The 1900 Galveston storm destroyed the remainder of their vast holdings. Clara included a church, schools, store, garage and post office. Hampered by an inadequate water supply, the town began to decline with the consolidation of the school with the Burkburnett schools. During the oil boom of the 1920s, many residents moved to Wichita Falls. Good roads and cars made it possible to shop elsewhere. The town finally vanished except for the church, rectory and cemetery. (1978)

Location Map