Details for Civilian Conservation Corps at Garner State Park

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507014027


Marker Number 14027
Atlas Number 5507014027
Marker Title Civilian Conservation Corps at Garner State Park
Index Entry Civilian Conservation Corps at Garner State Park
Address FM 1050 to TX-P29
City Concan
County Uvalde
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 428741
UTM Northing 3272926
Subject Codes parks; Federal programs
Marker Year 2007
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location 8 mi. N on US 83, 2 mi. E on FM 1050 to TX-P29
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text During the Great Depression, the Emergency Conversation Work At created the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), and produced lasting landscape and construction projects across the U.S. Through the program, millions of young men obtained meaningful employment and training. The military-style discipline and order they experienced served many of them well during World War II. CCC Company 879 began its work at Camp SP-42-T (Garner State Park) in April 1935. During the first phase of development (1935-37), construction included the main entrance portal and road, and the keeper's lodge. In 1937, the CCC began construction on the heart of the new park, the combination building, known as the Pavilion, and a dance floor, on a high bluff near the Frio River. The building architecture, known as NPS (National Park Service) Rustic, utilized native limestone and wood in its detailing. The second work phase (1938-39) focused on finalizing the master plan, and constructing cabins and a stone overlook near the Pavilion. The third phase (1940-41) concentrated on preserving and enhancing the landscape's natural look. In April 1941, as American neared entry into World War II, work here came to a close. Local and state representatives officially dedicated garner State Park on June 1, 1941. Since then, it has attracted countless visitors to experience unique vistas, historical architecture and abundant outdoor activities. Today, the cultural landscape recalls the perseverance and hard work of young men who participated in one of the nation's most successful federal programs, the CCC, which reclaimed both land and lives while providing hope. (2007)

Location Map