Details for Ruby Ruth Fuller Building

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507015944


Marker Number 15944
Atlas Number 5507015944
Marker Title Ruby Ruth Fuller Building
Index Entry Fuller, Ruby Ruth, Building
Address 1500 Procter St.
City Port Arthur
County Jefferson
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 410517
UTM Northing 3305742
Subject Codes women
Marker Year 2009
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Lamar State College - Port Arthur, Fuller Education Building. Between Lakeshore Drive and Procter Street.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text This building was constructed in 1915 as the new home of Port Arthur's First United Methodist Church, which had organized in 1897. The building was designed by C.W. Ward, and church member Warren McDaniel served as the contractor. A special agreement allowing the church to be built on property belonging to Port Arthur College (now Lamar State College-Port Arthur) provided that the structure would be subject to use by the college any time that it was not used for religious purposes. When First United Methodist Church merged with St. Mark's Methodist Church and moved to another location in 1976, the building was deeded to the college. The structure was officially dedicated as the Ruby Ruth Fuller Educational Building in 1978. Mrs. Fuller taught Sunday School for 42 of the 55 years that she was a member of First United Methodist Church, and is the only person in the history of the church to be named teacher emeritus. The building's architecture manifests the influences of several styles, including Gothic and Tudor. Dominant features include a brick facade with cast stone detailing, stylized crenellations along the parapets of two asymmetrical towers, arched entryways and windows, and opalescent stained glass. The towers flank a wide staircase leading to a dramatic piano nobile, or raised entry. The Fuller Educational Building continues to serve Lamar State College-Port Arthur as a location for classes and related educational events. The structure serves as a reminder of the concern and foresight of the people of the First United Methodist Church for the future of the college and the greater community of Port Arthur and the surrounding area. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 2009

Location Map